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The Culinary Magic: Avocado Oil, Ghee, and Olive Oil Explored

If you’ve been following me for a while, you might have noticed my obsession  for avocados LOL. Their versatility and incredible flavour are unmatched. But let’s delve into the health benefits of not just avocados, but also two other culinary powerhouses: olive oil and ghee butter. These ingredients not only elevate the richness and deliciousness of dishes but also contribute significantly to our overall well-being.

Olive Oil: Liquid Gold for Heart Health and an Italian bestie

Olive oil, often referred to as “liquid gold,” is an age-old treasure renowned for its heart-healthy attributes. Abundant in monounsaturated fats and antioxidants, olive oil plays a crucial role in mitigating the risk of heart diseases. The presence of oleic acid, a monounsaturated fatty acid, is acknowledged for its ability to lower bad cholesterol levels, thereby improving cardiovascular health.

Moreover, olive oil serves as a source of essential vitamins E and K, crucial for maintaining vibrant skin and robust bones. However, it’s important to note that olive oil isn’t an all-purpose oil. Heating olive oil can cause it to lose some of its flavour and perhaps diminish some of its health benefits.

Avocado Oil: A Nutrient-Rich Elixir

As you may have gathered, I’m an ardent admirer of avocado. Hailing from Colombia, I have an innate affection for the creamy goodness of avocados that instantly transports me to my homeland. This sentiment holds true, especially when I incorporate avocado oil into my culinary creations. Avocado oil has ascended to culinary stardom, thanks to its exceptional nutritional profile.

Enriched with healthy monounsaturated fats, this oil takes the lead in supporting heart health by regulating cholesterol levels and enhancing blood pressure. The most remarkable feature of avocado oil is its impressively high smoke point, making it a versatile option suitable for both high-heat cooking and cold applications.

Furthermore, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to call avocado oil a nutritional powerhouse. Laden with essential elements like vitamin E, potassium, and antioxidants, it significantly contributes to skin health, vision protection, and the strengthening of the immune system.

In Conclusion

These culinary gemsβ€”olive oil, avocado oil, and ghee butterβ€”extend far beyond their taste-enhancing attributes. They serve as allies in our quest for overall health and well-being. From heart support to immune system bolstering, these ingredients offer an array of benefits that enrich both our dishes and our lives. So, embrace their goodness and make them a cornerstone of your culinary journey.

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Sandra Medina Chef

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